Sunday, September 19, 2010

Game Day!

Wow, I just finshed game day career mode. I wanted to make this game last longer...

-Snugle Love


  1. Hi Snugle Love :) I would be MORE than happy to work with you guys! Let me know what you think!

  2. here is your score!

    I have no idea, so I'll say none. - IDK either
    The Migrator.- Correct
    Thursday.- Correct
    About 15 days. - Every two weeks, 14 days
    October 15, 2005.- October 25,2005
    One Year Old! (Already? Wow, time goes fast...) - around 230 :)

  3. HEY MAN!!! WHAT'S UP? I just found your blog! Nice header by the way. That's how I felt with Herbert's revenge. Once it was finished it was pointless. A total flop

  4. I miss you so much, snug. Cp's not the same without you :'(


  5. Need Help with Blog Template? Go to

  6. SNUG! You've been on?! :D :D :D?!

  7. Omg! It's been over 170 days since that comment O_O. I was around 230 and now im around 400! Time really flies

  8. What happened? You should continue to blog!!!

  9. Dude, I miss you so much. Like I said in an earlier comment, CP will NEVER be the same without you or your cousins. I know you probably don't check here anymore, since the last comment was in 2010, but I'm still your pal. We had fun on CP today! Lol I wasn't losing on purpose on find-four, I'm just baad. :P


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NO cursing.
DON'T do anything else thats wrong.
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Happy Commenting! :D