Thursday, August 19, 2010

NEW Stuff!

First, Design Your Own T-Shirt. Second, design your own igloo furniture. Whats next? Design your own puffle?

Well, anyway, theres NEW furniture and igloo catologs! The furniture catolog has some OLD items, it will get rare penguins mad, im not, AND ME IS HAPPYZ!

The igloo catolog is cool. Lets see a pic of Jmann93's igloo.

Awesome, right? If you comment and your comment gets picked, you will get a bunch of Snugle Coins! See ya later!

-Snugle Love


  1. Snugle Love! :O You came back!! :) What happened to CP Bros? You also deleted me, but that's fine! I'm SO glad you're back

  2. Heyy, where did u get the CP Time zone thing?

  3. K edster, I acidently deleted you, I almost deleted everyone! I was cleaning out my friends list and was'nt paying attention. :( Sorry.


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